
Alopecia Universalis (Total Hair Loss From the Whole Body)

Alopecia Universalis is the most extreme and rare form of alopecia, resulting in total hair loss across the entire body, including the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, arms and legs. It is an autoimmune condition where the body's immune system mistakenly attacks healthy hair follicles and can often present itself without warning. While there is no definitive cure, treatments are available to manage the condition and promote hair regrowth. 

What is Alopecia Universalis?

  • Alopecia Universalis is the most severe form of hair loss. It denudes the whole body of hair including eye lashes, eye brows, arms, legs and other auxiliary hair.
  • It can affect any age and both males and females. It can be hereditary and is believed to be an autoimmune disorder that results in the attacking of the hair follicles as it sees them as an anti-body.
  • Alopecia is a condition that once in the body’s system/genes it can occur once or numerous times. Unfortunately there is no way of knowing.

Signs of Alopecia Universalis

  • Total hair loss of the whole body
  • Brittle, pitted or deformed nails

Possible Alopecia Universalis Causes 

  • Autoimmune disorder
  • Hereditary
  • Stress
  • Vitiligo (patches of lighter skin)

Alopecia Universalis Treatment: Complete Hair Loss Solutions and Recovery 

There are many remedies offered for alopecia universalis although sufferers must be aware that there is no guarantee in curing this condition. Some people will regrow all of their hair whilst others may regrow some or none through treatment. Often if the hair does regrow it can come back white at first and then slowly take on the pigment of the original colour. Very occasionally it can stay white. It is not known why this occurs.

Treatment Options

Cortisone injections are an option but this can be very uncomfortable and often without results.

Wigs are another option and available today. They can be very natural looking and be cut and styled to each individual.

Tattooing of the eyebrows is widely available now as are false eye lashes. Extra care needs to be taken if eyelashes and nasal hair are lost in order to prevent germs and bacteria entering the body.

Stimulation and In-Clinic Treatments

At Hove Hair Clinic we offer a much more natural and relaxing treatment that involves intense stimulation to the follicles using Massage, Infrared Lights and a selection of Products prescribed for each individual to be used at home in between your in-clinic treatments.

We have a good success rate but unfortunately are unable to guarantee results and as with any condition, the earlier you treat it, the better the response.

We also offer minoxidil to clients who we believe will benefit. Minoxidil is not natural but can be very effective. If used, the client must understand that they will need to continue use for life and that once used the more natural options will not be effective due to the strength of minoxidil.

Call us on 01273 711140 to book a consultation where we can assess and correctly diagnose your condition. We use a pro-scope camera to look closely at the follicles to assess their activity to give us a better idea of the success rate in your personal condition.

Alopecia Universalis (Total Hair Loss From the Whole Body)

Before, during & after pictures of one of our clients.
