Seborrhoeic Dermatitis (known as cradle cap in babies)
What is Seborrhoeic Dermatitis?
Seborrhoeic Dermatitus is a red often itchy rash found in sebaceous areas such as the scalp & face.
Signs of Seborrhoeic Dermatitis
It can present itself in a covering of large white or yellow greasy scales. Redness can often be seen beyond the front & back of the hair line. It can also effect inside & behind the ears too. It can feel sensitive, tight & crusty due to the over production of skin cells & can often be weepy.
In babies it is commonly known as cradle cap.
It is very common & can affect all ages & both sexes. It can be easily treated with the correct products & home care regime.
It can look similar to psoriasis so professional diagnosis is important to make sure you have the correct treatment.
Possible Causes of Seborrhoeic Dermatitis
Specific causes are not known but it is generally believed that it is caused by one of the following;
- a low immune system
- lack of nutrient’s
- hormonal
It is also in some cases believed to be caused by the over growth of a yeast called Malassezia that lives on the skin. People suffering are believed to have a low resistance to Malassezia.
Sebaceous glands work harder to produce sebum when there is little or no hair present to try and help protect the scalp. Because of this it is commonly found to effect babies & people with thinning hair, for example male & female pattern baldness (MPB/FPB).
Poor diet can be a factor as can stress & tiredness. Change in seasons can also have an effect.
It can be severe in people affected with HIV, depression and Parkinson’s disease.
Seborrhoeic Dermatitis is very common & easily treated. As it can be a long term condition, once treated in a reputable clinic it is highly recommended that you continue using the correct products to keep it under control. If left untreated again or the use of incorrect products are introduced, Seborrhoeic Dermatitis can return.
In house clinic treatments will remove & relieve this condition quicker with the use of steamers & infrared lights which aid softening of the scale & aid healing of the scalp. You will then be able to home treat with the knowledge that you have the correct products for your condition.
Call us on 01273 711140 to discuss your symptoms & find out what products best suits you (we mix & match products to suit each individual) or to book a consultation as wrong self-diagnosis can result in incorrect products being used.